Editorial Guidelines

Editorial Principles at My Insurance Haven

Our readers’ needs are our top priority at My Insurance Haven. That’s why we’re transparent about how we make money and have strict editorial standards to maintain trust and integrity. We do this so you can feel confident using our tools and recommendations for all your insurance needs.

Our vision

A world where everyone can make insurance decisions with clarity and peace of mind.

Our mission

Provide clear guidance for all of life’s insurance choices.

The editorial team at My Insurance Haven is dedicated to accurate, unbiased and actionable content. Our goal is to inform and serve all readers. Our editorial processes ensure fact-checking, completeness and relevance. We correct any errors promptly to maintain accuracy.

Editorial independence

Our insurance recommendations and reviews are not influenced by carriers, whether internal or external partners. We disclose our business relationships and how we evaluate products objectively.

Inclusion and diversity

We build a team that reflects our community. We aim to connect meaningfully with all by sharing diverse perspectives and experiences.

Key principles:

  • Balanced, complete information for all readers
  • Promote access and affordability for underserved groups
  • Rely on reputable, factual sources like experts and data
  • Objective product comparisons to help readers choose


All content undergoes careful review by writers and editors. We verify facts with primary sources and experts. Readers can contact us to report errors for correction.

Our goal is to serve our community with trustworthy insurance guidance and choices. Please let us know how we can continue improving.